We expose the truth behind a ground-breaking pill that has many experts furious. Studies have revealed it boosts brain power by up to 89.2%, sharpens your mind and sky-rockets your energy levels. With such overwhelming evidence and media mention, the question is not whether the pill works, but whether it should be legal. Welcome To The Future — The use of a Legal Study Drug known as NeuroXR has skyrocketed on college campuses across the US, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and professional athletes since coming back on the market in July. It’s being touted as an Adderall replacement, and many students are taking full advantage of its availability to buy online without a prescription. There has been much controversy around this memory-enhancing pill, not only on college campuses, but also in the media. It first came into the spotlight when the movie Limitless became a box office hit and several blogs started comparing it to Adderall. Sales of NeuroXR tripled overnight as students, athletes, entrepreneurs, and business executives all wanted to get their hands on this powerful brain enhancer. NeuroXR, which has no recorded side effects in any clinical trials, was soon the target of critics who claimed it was too powerful to be sold without a prescription. Other people in academic circles insisted that NeuroXR provided an artificial edge for its users and was unfair to those who weren’t taking it. This led to it being banned from quiz shows and at many top universities as well. Facing outside pressure, the creators of NeuroXR were eventually forced to halt production of the Genius Pills. Fortunately, after 3 years of litigation and clinical studies showing its safety, the online ban was finally lifted and the creators of NeuroXR were allowed to resume selling from their website NeuroXR.com. Its reappearance has thrilled users around the world — people who genuinely suffered during its absence. “My ability to think and focus more than doubled when I was able to buy NeuroXR again. The pill’s return prevented me from dropping out of college,” a premed student told us. With so much praise from the media and countless reviews from people experiencing success with NeuroXR, we at Secret Brain wanted to verify whether this was all hype. Practically everyone in our building volunteered to test it out, but we chose our Health & Science Editor, Warren Carter. Below is his account of using NeuroXR over a 4 week period. WARNING: NeuroXR was specifically created for anyone looking to drastically increase their focus - you will experience an extreme boost in energy and memory recall as well as the ability to focus like never before - use as directed if you think you can handle these effects.*
ja sorry hoor mensen maar dit is niet in Holland te koop en gevaarlijker dan je denkt in.